Waste Not is a turn-based strategy game where you collect and recycle materials to create and grow your own sustainable civilization. Waste Not II is the sequel to this game, with new features and improved graphics.
Waste Not is a game in which players compete to create the most valuable resource in the game. Waste Not II is an expansion pack for Waste Not.
Crafters may use the abilities Waste Not and Waste Not II in Final Fantasy XIV. These abilities are accessible at levels 15 and 47, and they decrease the amount of durability lost throughout the crafting process.
Waste Not/Waste Not II, in particular, decreases the loss of item durability by 50% throughout the crafting process.
What does this imply in terms of application? As a result, the item will lose half of its usual durability, possibly increasing the length of time you may work on it. This may provide a chance to improve the item’s quality.
In Final Fantasy XIV, crafting is a delicate balancing act.
You must balance the item’s durability with its advancement and quality as best you can. This process may be influenced by a number of variables. The quality of the crafting materials, the clothing you’re wearing, and the direction the wind is blowing are all factors to consider (alright, maybe not that one).
It’s a world away from other MMO crafting systems, which often include gathering ingredients and standing in one place for hours at a time to create them.
In Final Fantasy XIV, on the other hand, you may spend hours creating while hitting buttons. If it seems uninteresting, that’s because it can be.
But it’s also very gratifying, although in a different manner.
You can completely disregard the Warrior of Light idea because to the massive quantity of material in the form of unique crafting stories, equip upgrades, and “endgame” crafting tasks like The Firmament.
You can spend your days creating clothing if you want to!
Waste Not and Waste Not II are two talents you’ll learn as you progress through your crafting profession. While you utilize skills like these successfully, you may tilt the scales in your favor when creating.
Knowing when to utilize certain talents (and when not to) may make all the difference.
It’s not as simple as collecting the finest components and ensuring a consistently excellent product.
No, knowing your skill rotation is essential if you want to create high-quality products. High-quality goods have considerably higher stats than their lower-quality counterparts, and as a consequence, they sell for significantly more on the Market Board.
If generating gil is your primary motivation for crafting, you should aim for excellent quality.
Waste Not vs. Waste Not II: What’s the Difference?

Regardless of whatever crafting class you’re using, Waste Not is unlocked at level 15.
For the following four stages, it lowers the loss of durability items by half.
At 47, Waste Not II unlocks, reducing durability loss by 50% for the following eight stages.
As a result, Waste Not II has the same impact as Waste Not, but over a longer period of time.
However, just because Waste Not II lasts longer doesn’t mean it’s better. The crafting system in Final Fantasy XIV is very complex, and there are lots of small techniques you’ll learn along the road that may render it obsolete.
Regardless of whether you’re leveling a Culinarian, Blacksmith, or Weaver, this is a talent that unlocks.
Consider it as role actions for combat classes: every tank receives basic damage mitigation actions, DPS classes have a basic self-healing ability in the form of Second Wind, and so on.
They’re essentially skills that aren’t considered specialized enough to be limited to a particular class, but are rather general-purpose characteristics that anybody might benefit from.
Is it worthwhile to use Waste Not/Waste Not II?
In fact, this is a subject that has sparked some heated discussion in the community.
Waste Not is helpful for preventing durability loss during some stages of the crafting process, but Waste Not II has far too many charges (showing that more isn’t always better) to be a good use of your CP.
Basically, by the time you acquire Waste Not II, you’ll have more choices for when you want to utilize it in the crafting process.
There’s never a good moment to utilize the eight charges it provides, since you’ll be utilizing other abilities that don’t decrease durability by that point.
It’s pointless to spend the CP required for Waste Not II if you’re not going to utilize all eight steps – particularly when there are alternative choices that are more suited for the job.
If you want to get the most out of your profession, whether you’re a casual crafter or have big plans for the future, you need to know what the best crafting cycle is for your specific employment.
Going into detail about anything like that is beyond the scope of this post, but if you’re looking for details, I’d suggest checking out a site like FFXIV Guild.
You’ll need to know how to get from 1 to 80 in the most efficient way, and good guides will go over your rotation in detail and how it affects item quality.
Waste Not is a game that was released on November 30, 2016. The game has been met with mixed reviews. One of the main criticisms is the lack of content and lack of story. Reference: waste not, want not food.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is waste not waste?
Waste not is a philosophy which suggests that one should use everything they have available to them before disposing of it.
Whats the definition of waste not want not?
Waste not want not is a phrase used to describe the idea that in order for one to be successful, they must learn to use what they have in their possession.