RimWorld is a sci-fi colony simulator where you are the leader of a group of people trying to survive on an alien planet. It’s easy to get started, but it can be difficult to keep colonists happy and productive. Here are some tips for keeping your colonists alive.
The rimworld how to get more colonists 2024 is a question that has been asked many times before. There are many different ways to increase your colony’s population, but these are the most common methods.
RimWorld is a survival game in which you must ensure your colony’s survival, growth, and other goals. The amount of colonists in your colony is determined by the storyteller you choose when you started the game.
The amount of individuals in a single colony has no limit, but each narrator has three variables that affect the colony’s population. Minimum desired population, maximum wanted population, and critical desired population are the three variables.
Minimum Population Desired
The storyteller will use this factor to offer you the smallest population possible. When you start a game with the storyteller’s minimal intended population, you’ll find that you typically receive prospective new colonists and an escape pod rather early on.
Maximum Number of People Desired

The storyteller will keep you at the maximum number of colonists with the maximum desirable population factor. This means there will be more activities than normal to encourage individuals to join your colony. Crashing escape pods, individuals escaping from attackers, and other scenarios are possible.
Population in High Demand
When you reach a certain population level, the storyteller will trigger major events in the game to lower the number of colonists.
Getting convicts in the colony will become more difficult. It will also become more difficult to create bigger colonies as a result of this, and it will be dependent on the storyteller you select.
Storytellers’ Population Caps
In RimWorld, there is no hard cap, but there is a soft cap. If you go over the limit or hit the critical target population, things will start to become a little worse for your colony and colonists. As a consequence, the game will make it more difficult for you to recruit more colonists and will provide you with fewer events to assist you increase your colony size.
The minimum number of colonists you may have is four, with 13 being the first soft cap and 18 being the second, except for Randy, who has a second cap of 50. The population caps for each storyteller are as follows:
Cassandra Cassandra Cassandra Cassan
4 people is the minimum population.
Maximum Number of People: 13
Population at Risk: 18
Phoebe Chillax, Phoebe Chillax, Phoebe Chi
4 people is the minimum population.
Maximum Number of People: 13
Population at Risk: 18
Randy Irrational
4 people is the minimum population.
Maximum Number of People: 13
50 is the critical population.
We may deduce from these figures that RimWorld is meant to be played with medium-sized colonies of 13-18 people. Randy Random, on the other hand, is intended to allow you to have more colonists, thus it will let you to have 50 colonists before causing you any trouble.
If you intend to create a big colony, Randy Random may be a good choice.
There are many ways to increase the number of colonists in RimWorld, although the most of them are based on luck and the storyteller you choose for your game, both of which influence the difficulty.
Let’s take a look at the different methods for obtaining colonists in the game.
In-Game Happenings
Colonists may be obtained in the game via a variety of random occurrences. This technique is mostly dependent on chance, but if the conditions are executed well, you will end up with a new colonist.
The ‘Prisoner Rescue mission’ is one of several occasions where you may receive colonists as a prize. When you begin this mission, you are told that a prisoner at a neighboring camp has stolen a radio in order to notify you about a possible rescue.
If you can locate his location on the map or convince them to leave the camp, he will join your colony. It’s possible that an injured individual may crash land near your colony.
They may be assigned to a faction or left to their own devices. If you assist this guy by rescuing and mending him, there’s a good possibility he’ll join your colony. If they don’t, you’ll receive a boost in your relationship.
Slave traders are those who trade in people who are enslaved.
Slave trafficking is permitted among the merchant caravans in RimWorld. Purchasing slaves is the same as purchasing any other item in the game. Similarly, you may sell your colonists to slavery, but this will result in a huge mood negative for all colonists.
Purchasing new colonists is the same as purchasing any other item from the trade menu. One of your colonists may approach the merchant and initiate the transaction. Different pricing will be assigned to colonists depending on their talents, health, and personality characteristics.
Bionic colonists have superior health and general characteristics, making them more costly. Purchasing a slave will not offer your colonists a mood boost, and the colonists you do purchase will get a positive mood boost for a limited period due to the fact that you just liberated them from slavery.
Changing the Minds of Enemy Detainees
Your colony may face enemy attacks from time to time, which may be a wonderful supply of fresh colonists if you know how to deal with them. If you can knock an opponent to the ground without killing them, you’ll be able to take them prisoner.
You’ll need to create a sleeping space with a bed or sleeping place in a room with walls and a door for this. It might be beneficial if you switched to a prisoner bed. You may pick your colonist once your prisoner has been taken, then right-click the prisoner and select “Capture.”
After choosing the capture option, your colonist will be able to transport the prisoner to the holding cell (the location you constructed). Each prisoner will need his or her own bed. Then you click your prisoner and choose the “Prisoner” option, which displays the prisoner’s difficulty and the time it will take to overcome their resistance.
After that, you may try to persuade them to join your colony with a possibility of success.
Pawns in Cryo-Sleep

Every map in RimWorld will include an area known as “Ancient Danger.” This region may be within the mountains, or it could contain enclosed structures that are already visible on the map.
If your colonist passes through these locations, a notification appears on your screen informing you that they have a terrible feeling about anything in the vicinity. Inside old peril, you’ll discover adversaries such as ancient mechanoids and bug monsters.
You’ll discover cryo-pods within the chamber once you’ve successfully dispatched these attackers. These pawns will opt to remain on the ice for hundreds of years. By choosing your colonist and opening the pods, you may awaken the instruments.
Be wary of these pawns, since they have the potential to become hostile against your colonist. You may capture and recruit these pawns in the same manner you do the captives.
How to Teach a Wild Person to Behave
You may get a notification informing you that a wild man or woman has entered the map. This occurs on a regular basis. These are wild people who have never met a human and, as a result, have never interacted with them.
These untamed people can be tamed in the same manner that animals can be tamed. You may engage with these individuals by clicking on them and selecting the ‘Tame’ option. People who live in the wild progress in the same way as animals do. You’ll need to use some food in your colony to try to tame it.
The colonist’s Animal skill will decide whether or not the individual can be tamed. Remember that failed efforts will result in the wild person attacking your colonist.
If this occurs, you may attempt to subdue the wild person and capture them as a prisoner, then enlist them as a prisoner.
Visitors who are friendly
Occasionally, friendly guests and merchants may visit your colony. You have the authority to arrest and detain these individuals, prisoner.
You may try to arrest a pleasant tourist or merchant by drafting a colonist from your colony and right-clicking on them. Keep in mind that there’s a possibility he’ll resist, which may enrage his buddies and the whole group.
The Man in Black is a fictional character.
Under the proper circumstances, a random guy dressed in black will join your colony. The majority of your colonists must be weakened in order for this catastrophe to occur.
This is a pawn that joins your colony right away and offers you a second opportunity to save people. The guy in black will stay in your colony even after you have recused your colonists and have enough individuals. It’s an uncommon occurrence, but it counts as a method to recruit additional colonists.
These techniques will ultimately assist you in establishing a big colony. It may take some time for the rare occurrences to occur, and it will take time for your colony to acquire the power it needs to win fights against enemy raids in order to capture captives and recruit them as colonists. So, take your time!
RimWorld is a game that has colonist management. It can be difficult to get more colonists in the game, so I am going to show you how to do it. Reference: rimworld how to get more colonists reddit.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you get new villagers in Rimworld?
You can either get them by trading with other players, or you can buy them from the market.
How do I get more colonists Rimworld Reddit?
The best way to get colonists is by colonizing other planets. You can also buy them from traders, or build your own colony.
What is the max number of colonists Rimworld?
There is no limit to the number of colonists you can have in Rimworld.