Trickstar is a very popular archetype, and this article will rank the best Trickstars in the game.
The trickstar deck is a type of archetype that has been around for quite some time. It was originally used in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game, but it has since found its way into many other games.
Burn decks have come a long way from Yu-Gi-Ohearly !’s days.
The old strategy was to use cards like Swords of Revealing Light to stall your opponent for as long as possible, then slowly whittle their life points down with various burn spells.
It is, without a doubt, a sound strategy.
However, what if you wish to be a little more assertive?
Trickstars is a burn deck that is extremely enjoyable to play. They utilize the most recent summoning mechanism introduced in Yu-Gi-Oh (Link summoning) to create some insanely powerful boards, including monsters that will burn your opponent for damage (along with having incredible attack numbers!).
If you want to give this deck a shot, here are some Trickstar cards to consider.

Trickstar Lilybell is one of the few Trickstar cards that does not do damage to your opponent, but it does have a fantastic method of increasing board presence.
You can special summon this card straight to the field when it is added from your deck to your hand (rather than drawing it).
Trickstars, like most contemporary decks, offer a variety of methods to move cards from your deck to your hand, making Trickstar Lilybell an excellent card to run.
Furthermore, Trickstar Lilybell may strike your opponent directly while on the field.
While 800 damage isn’t a huge assault, but combined with this deck’s burn power, it may be enough to bring you close to victory.
You may also add one Trickstar monster from your graveyard to your hand after it does damage to your opponent, setting you up for another play.
Crimson Heart Trickstar
Trickstar Crimson Heart restores your life points rather than burning your opponent.
It’s all well and well to repeatedly burn your opponent. However, if you don’t have enough life points, you’ll be out of the game before you realize it.
The following is how it works:
You gain 200 life points each time a Trickstar monster is summoned to a zone this card points to.
Trickstars is a deck that can connect summon many times, thus this ability may help you gain a lot of life.
Furthermore, you may discard a Trickstar card to allow both players to draw a card, with the additional benefit of being able to draw two cards if your life points are 2000 or greater than your opponent’s.
This is an excellent method to get rid of dead cards, draw new ones, and regain life points all in one tidy little effect.
Trickstar Magical Laurel
Here’s an equip spell that allows you to swarm the field with monsters.
You may special summon a Trickstar monster from your graveyard to your side of the field with this card attached to it by targeting it in your graveyard.
You may special summon any Trickstar monster from your hand if that Trickstar monster inflicts damage on your opponent (either via combat or a card effect).
This equip enchantment increases the number of Trickstar monsters on your field beyond your wildest expectations.
You may either keep these cards on the field to take advantage of their burn effects, or you can use them all to Link summon some of the deck’s extremely strong Link monsters.
Rhodode, Trickstar
Even the greatest Yu-Gi-Oh plans may be thwarted, and you could lose your best monster to an obscure card effect.
Trickstar Rhodode is ideal in this scenario since it allows you to special summon any Trickstar Link monster from your graveyard for the cheap cost of discarding a Trickstar card.
Furthermore, you may deal 200 damage to your opponent’s life points each time a card (or cards) is exiled from their graveyard.
Several cards may be used to banish cards from the graveyard. You may always utilize cards like D.D Crow or Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer to banish those cards yourself if you want to hurry things up.
Narkissus, the Trickstar
Trickstar Narkissus is one of the strongest burn cards in the game, dealing 200 damage to your opponent each time they activate a monster effect in their hand or graveyard.
Nowadays, Yu-Gi-Oh is all about putting monsters in your graveyard and then utilizing graveyard effects to get them back.
Having Trickstar Narkissus on the field is an excellent method to penalize your opponent for something they are virtually certain to perform.
Furthermore, Trickstar Narkissus is ridiculously simple to deploy on the field.
You may special summon this card from your hand whenever your opponent receives effect damage — pretty much every Trickstar card inflicts damage in some manner, so this will be on the field in no time.
Foxglove Witch Trickstar
Second place in Yu-Gi-Oh! may be a big annoyance.
Your opponent has had a full turn to build up a board, is likely to have several monsters on the field already, and a backrow of spells and traps to sabotage your strategy.
Going second in a battle seems like a fantastic tactic thanks to Trickstar Foxglove Witch.
You may deal 200 damage to your opponent for each card they control when this card is special summoned.
As a result, allowing your opponent to build up a large board is a big plus – the more cards they have, the more damage they’ll take.
Furthermore, this card does not leave you empty-handed when it departs the field…
When Trickstar Foxglove Witch is destroyed by battle or a card effect, you may special summon any Link 2 or below Trickstar monster from your extra deck, inflicting 200 damage on your opponent for each card they control.
Bella Madonna, Trickstar
Trickstar Bella Madonna is the Trickstars’ boss monster.
A Link 4 monster with a 2800 attack rating!
While this card does not include any monsters, it does have some strong effects.
To begin with, it is unaffected by other cards’ triggered effects. In Yu-Gi-Oh, this is one of the most powerful types of defense available.
Many “indestructible” cards contain phrases like “can’t be targeted by card effects,” making them susceptible to Raigeki-style board wipes.
However, all other effects have no impact on Trickstar Bella Madonna, which means this card will be on the field for a long time!
You may additionally deal 200 damage to your opponent once per round for each Trickstar monster in your graveyard.
Because this is a Link 4 monster, you’ll need at least four Trickstars in your graveyard to summon it. This means that at the very least, your opponent will take 800 damage every round!
Divaridis Trickstar
This very strong Link 2 punishes your opponent for even the most basic of tasks – summoning.
That’s correct, this card’s effect will deal 200 damage to your opponent every time he or she summons a monster, regular or special.
Combo decks like Rokkets and Salamangreats are all the rage in modern Yu-Gi-Oh!
So, if your opponent wants to bring out their strongest monsters, they’ll have to suffer a lot of punishment.
The fact that this card is just a Link 2 monster (requiring only 2 monsters to Link summon) makes it very simple to summon and a fantastic addition to any extra deck.
Trickstar Festival, no. 7
Although the Yu-Gi-Oh VRAINS period has come to an end, the Trickstars era has not!
In reality, this is the most recent Trickstar card to appear, having debuted in Dawn of Majesty.
By special summoning two Trickstar tokens to your side of the field, this spell card makes Link summoning a breeze.
Because tokens can be utilized as Link summoning material, this spell card may make Link summoning high-link-rating monsters like Trickstar Bella Madonna a million times simpler.
In fact, Trickstar Festival is a one-card Link 2 monster in and of itself, enabling you to play cards like Trickstar Dvivaridis for free.
While it’s in the graveyard, it also protects your monsters from destruction:
You may banish Trickstar Festival from the graveyard whenever a Trickstar extra deck monster would be killed by combat or a card effect, keeping your extra deck monsters safe.
Holly Angel, Trickstar No. 6
Trickstar Holly Angel is without a doubt this archetype’s finest extra deck card.
Not only does this do massive damage to your opponent, but it also serves as a fantastic beat stick for the deck.
Here’s how it works:
You may deal 200 LP damage to your opponent whenever a Trickstar monster is normal or special summoned to a zone this card points to.
Trickstars is a deck that can repeatedly summon monsters, which means you can deal a lot of damage with this effect.
Furthermore, until the end of this turn, every time your opponent suffers damage as a result of a Trickstar monster’s effect, you may have this card gain that damage in attack.
Trickstar Holly Angel can reach ridiculously high attack numbers because to the burn cards in this deck. Because it’s just a Link 2 monster, it’s a significant danger to be reckoned with!
Reincarnation of the Trickstar
In Yu-Gi-Oh, searching has become more essential.
It’s typical for decks to begin their turn by scanning their deck for the precise cards they need before proceeding with any combinations.
Trickstar Reincarnation is the most heinous method to punish your opponent for looking for you.
It clears your opponent’s hand and enables them to draw the same number of cards from their deck as you did.
If you know your opponent has a hand full of strong cards, Trickstar Reincarnation is the best method to eliminate such threats.
This trap card also allows you to resurrect your Trickstars who have been exhausted:
You may special summon any Trickstar monster from your graveyard by banishing this card from your graveyard.
Candina is a prankster.
You’ll note that this deck doesn’t summon monsters too often.
When you summon someone, make sure it’s Trickstar Candina.
You may add any Trickstar card from your deck to your hand when Candina is summoned normally.
This enables you to search not just for Trickstar monsters to summon, but also for the most powerful spells and traps in the deck, such as Trickstar Reincarnation and Trickstar Lightstage!
It doesn’t end there, either:
Every time your opponent activates a spell or trap while Trickstar Candina is on the field, they will suffer 200 damage.
In Yu-Gi-Oh, spells and traps are more potent than ever, so your opponent is almost certain to have a couple in their deck.
And with Candina on your side of the pitch, you’ll be able to do some real damage!
Corobane, the Trickstar
As if Trickstars weren’t already a strong deck, they now have their own in-archetype hand trap.
If you discard Trickstar Corobane from your hand to the graveyard whenever your Trickstar monster fights an opponent’s monster, that monster gains attack equal to this card’s attack until the end of the round.
This is a sneaky method to get your opponent to take damage.
Simply place a weak-looking Trickstar monster on the field, wait for your opponent to attack it, then discard Corobane to quickly boost your monster’s attack and fight your opponent’s monster. Easy!
Furthermore, Corobane offers a fantastic method for Link to summon – by special summoning itself from the hand when all monsters under your control are Trickstar monsters, or you have no monsters under your control!
Lycoris, the Trickstar
Trickstar Lycoris punishes your opponent for doing something that almost every Yu-Gi-Oh duelist does:
Increasing the number of cards in your hand.
Searching or sketching may be used to accomplish this. In either case, they’ll take 200 damage!
The greatest part about this card is that you may use it during your opponent’s turn to put it on the field.
Simply return one Trickstar monster you control to your hand, and you may special summon Trickstar Lycoris for free from your hand.
This card is the greatest burn card this deck possesses – and arguably the finest Trickstar monster ever produced – since it burns your opponent for something they have to accomplish.
Trickstar Light Stage No. 1
Trickstar Light Stage has the potential to be the greatest field spell ever written.
It’s been restricted to one copy per deck in the TCG as of this writing, and with good cause!
To begin with, when it is triggered, you may search your deck for any Trickstar monster to add to your hand.
Searching Trickstar Lilybell, who special summons herself from the hand when searched, is something I’d suggest.
In addition, this field spell has two very powerful abilities:
You may target a set card controlled by your opponent and prevent it from being activated until the end phase.
Your opponent must then activate it during the end phase, or it will be sent to the graveyard.
You’re essentially compelling your opponent to use their spells and traps, as well as totally disabling combat traps like Mirror Force or Magic Cylinder, which must be used during the fight phase.
In terms of the second effect:
Trickstar Light Stage inflicts an additional 200 damage to your opponent’s life points every time a Trickstar monster inflicts damage to them through battle or card effect!
This essentially doubles the burn power of this deck, as well as causing your opponent to be burned every time they suffer combat damage.
This card, though, is the deck’s true centerpiece and an absolute must-have.
Trickstar Burn Deck 2024 is one of the most popular decks in Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links. It is a deck that wins with its burn strategy. Reference: trickstar burn deck 2024.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the best Yugioh card ever?
The best Yugioh card ever is the one that you have in your hand.
Is Trickstar deck good?
Trickstar is a good deck for the current meta.
What is the most powerful card in cards?
The most powerful card in cards is the royal flush.